Tea ceremony in the botanical garden
Het Pinetum, Hilversum NL
Sado, also known as chanoyu or chado, is the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. It is a cultural practice that involves the ceremonial preparation and serving of Gyokuro green tea, in a highly ritualized manner. Sado has deep roots in Japanese history and aesthetics and is considered a form of art and mindfulness.
Haruka Matsuo (tea name Souran, and her teacher is Sousen Nakai) performing the Obaku Baisaryu, a style of tea ceremony developed at Manpukuji Temple on Mt. Obaku in Uji, Kyoto.It is a school of sencha tea ceremony that has inherited the beautiful tea ceremony with the aspirations of the tea master Baisa Ou.
Haruka Matsuo has been seeking the aesthetic and sacred moment in our daily life which lift our spirits up by acknowledging this. She performs traditional Japanse tea ceremony (Oubaku Baisa Ryu) using her tableware which was baked by her herself according to age-old traditions. Even the yellow earth of the Pinetum was used for some of it. An old Japanese master of ceramics taught her to make teapots with wooden molds.
The tea ceremony embodies the principles of harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. It is not only about enjoying a cup of tea but also about cultivating a sense of mindfulness, connection, and appreciation for the present moment. Participants in the tea ceremony are encouraged to be fully present and engage in a shared experience of beauty, hospitality, and contemplation.
Gyokuro is a high-quality shade-grown Japanese green tea that is known for its rich flavor and deep green color. It is cultivated differently from other green teas, as the tea plants are shaded for several weeks before harvesting. This shading process enhances the production of chlorophyll and amino acids, resulting in a unique and distinct taste profile.
Tea cermony has been one of the rituals among monks since tea leaves have been brought from China by monks.
Monks themselves may also engage in tea preparation and drinking as part of their daily rituals or personal practices. Tea can serve as a means of meditation and mindfulness for monks, promoting inner calm and focus.
The spread of tea drinking and tea cultivation gained momentum during the Kamakura period (1185-1333) and became more widespread during the Muromachi period (1336-1573). Zen Buddhist monks played a significant role in fostering the tea culture during this time, as they incorporated tea into their meditative practices and tea gatherings became a way to express the principles of Zen Buddhism.